welcome to #Imready2022!
Welcome to Reimagine Everything, our 5th annual #ImReady Movement Conference! We're so glad you've joined us.
This year, we look forward to gathering to celebrate, educate, learn, and take care of our communities. On this virtual program, #ImReady2022 attendees can access COVID guidelines, the #ImReady2022 agenda, the list of speakers, and speakers' bios.
Community Safety COVID Protocols
To help our community gather safely, please follow our event's COVID guidelines. Hand sanitizer stations and COVID face masks will be provided.
COVID Vaccination: All participants must show proof of vaccination. If you are unable to be vaccinated for documented medical reasons, please contact us at community@aapiwomenlead to make alternate arrangements.
Mask Required: Event attendees must wear a face mask covering the nose and mouth.
Conference agenda
9:30am - 10:30am
10:30am - 10:50am
10:50am - 11:50pm
12:00pm - 12:45pm
12:45pm - 1:15pm
1:15pm - 1:35pm
1:35pm - 1:50pm
1:50pm - 2:50pm
3:05pm - 3:30pm
3:35pm - 4:00pm
4:00pm - 4:25pm
4:25pm - 5:00pm
Welcome Opening
Anna Cho Fenley, Inez Consuelo
Opening Panel
Kavita Mehra, Dylan Rodriguez, Estella Owoimaha-Church, Liz Suk, Natalee Kehlani Bauer, Lily Wong
Healing + Wellness Offerings
Mollii Khangsengsing, Amina Lei, Inez Consuelo, Chel Anne, Surrendered Healing
Lunch + Network
Key Note Speaker
Mia Mingus
Award Ceremony
Reimaging Everything Panel
Liz Suk, Bernie Lim, MD, Ny Nourn, Irma Schauf-Bajar, Katherine Nasol
Fireside Chat
Tavae Samuelu
Decolonizing Yoga
Susanna Barkataki
Special Guest
Leo Sheng
5th Anniversay Celebration and Closing
Mia Mingus
Founder & Executive Director, SOIL: A Transformative Justice Project
Leo Sheng
Actor & Advocate
Tavae Samuelu
Irma Shauf-Bajar
Executive Director,
18 Million Rising
Dylan Rodriguez
Scholar, Teacher, Parent, Writer, Collaborator;
Day job as Professor at UC Riverside
Liz Suk
Executive Director
Estella Owoimaha-Church
Executive Director
Ny Nourn
Co-Director, Asian Prisoner Support Committee; Organizer, Survived & Punished
Natalee Kehaulani Bauer
Scholar, Educator, Parent, Author
Kavita Mehra
Executive Director,
Healing &WellNess practitioners
R Consuelo Inez
Intuitive Energy Medicine Healer,
Owner of Inez healing Arts
Bernadette Lim
Founder and Executive Director, Freedom Community Clinic
Amina Lei
Art Activist, Educator,
Healing Arts Mentor
Molli Khansengsing
Co-Founder, Tuff Love Fitness