Solidarity in Action Resource Guide
With the help of community members and leaders from all over the country, we have gathered resources around political education, self + community defense, de-escalation training, and bystander training, and more.
Bi "Killer Bee" Nguyen
Bi is a professional MMA fighter who works to empower women and girls through self defense trainings. Linked is youtube video of Solidarity in Action self defense webinar led by AAPIWL. @killerbeemma
MALIKAH is a global grassroots movement, a network of active and engaged women leaders. We support each other, and together we remake our communities to be inclusive, safe and just. We train women in self-defense, healing justice, organizing and financial literacy.
Situational Awareness
Nonviolent Peaceforce
Oakland Brown Berets
Stop AAPI Hate
Stop AAPI Hate has provided this site to track anti-Asian violence and also provide resources on safety.
Across Frontlines
Across Frontlines is a collective of Social Justice practitioners working alongside communities to build a safer and more just world by cultivating visionary organizing through training and movement support.
Bystander Training
Haleema Bharoocha
Haleema is the Senior Advocacy Manager at Alliance for Girls where she leads legislative and community advocacy for a girl-led #girlspolicy agenda.
iHollaback is a global people powered movement to end harassment.
Political Education
Resources- to be announced.
Disability Justice Leaders